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The shooting-to-move concept is interesting, providing a different twist to the gameplay. The game's design is neat, and the 8-bit style gives it a classic feel. Looking forward to seeing how the prototype evolves. Keep up the work.

I have played about 30 minutes of this and reached level 15 so far. Base concept and mechanics are solid and fun. Music is great, visuals are clean, I imagine you will want to add more songs eventually.

Tutorialisation works naturally and is fun although you might want to add a "click to shoot message" or something along those lines.  It did not take long at all to figure out what to do, it kind of depends on how user-friendly you want it to be. 

I don't have any serious  criticisms, this is a really solid beginning, but you may want to keep the really simple levels going for a while longer once you begin putting together a completed product. Difficulty ramps up quickly. I think it would be interesting to see horizontally longer levels as well, something more akin to a platformer,  here and there in between the "puzzle levels". Levels where it is harder to fail by falling and with a few more enemies added perhaps. I will finish the last levels soon too, I got angry at one and had to leave the game alone...  



1. You do have a level select that lets you play certain things

2. The shooting recoil feels good

3. No microtransactions imagine XD

Things to fix:


If you can fix that it would look better on some levels

2.  Level 12 to hard the shot to the key is frustrating

3.  Maybe make the bocks you shoot indicate you have to shoot them

That's all I could find when playing the game

Thank you for the feedback!

BTW hope you know my game isn't meant to be sold I added it as an option just cause.